Sharon Sullivan: Consuming Children
Human trafficking happens here! In Kansas, in Shawnee county,…
September 24, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Marie Myers: Growing Up Techie
The speech will highlight the effects that technology usage has…
September 24, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Marilyn Mendenhall Waugh: Adopted People Have TWO Birth Certificates?
Most people are unaware that all US adoptees have two different…
September 24, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Annette Hope Billings: Brava!
Annette Hope Billings is an award winning author and actress.…
September 24, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Mary J. Martell: Vital Signs and Words: Inspiring a Culture and Community of Health
Mary J. Martell has been involved in health care for much of…
September 24, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Brian Thomas: In the Really Really Long Run: The Future of Humanity in the Cosmos
Dr. Brian C. Thomas is a Professor at Washburn University in…
September 24, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Karl Fundenberger: You’re Bored Because You Drive Too Much
What if the answer to boredom was always at your feet?
September 22, 2017/by Mikki BurcherKarl…

Jancy Pettit: ArtLight
Energy artist Jancy Pettit was introduced in midlife to a meditative…
September 22, 2017/by Mikki Burcher
Dr. Beryl New: Growing Up Brown
As a product of the Topeka Public Schools system, a Monroe…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
Dr. Priti Lakhani: Honor Among Women
Women are constantly being barraged with ideas of femininity…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
Sophie Brazington: Our Own Femininity
Expectations of what it means to be feminine, or what it…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
Brittany Simmerman: Intensely Sincere & Sincerely Intense: How Women Can Be Emotionally In Tune and Still Badass
Too often, women are judged by their emotions, whether it…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
R. Shawn McBride: The Woman’s Advantage in Business Partnerships
A 2014 MIT study found that women-only Business Partnerships…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
Michelle McCormick: How Feminism Taught Me to Care About How We Raise Boys
After years of working with mostly female victims of domestic…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
Denise Selbee-Koch: Go Outside!
For most of us, there is something that seems to happen during…
October 9, 2016/by Mikki Burcher
Alicia Enstrom
Nashville-based violinist Alicia Enstrom emerges as a vocalist…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Mikki Burcher: #lovethyselfie
An alternative viewpoint on selfies and how they can be used…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Stephanie Mott: Transgender in Kansas: Words That Work
Stephanie Mott shares her journey through isolation and self-hatred…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Brian Thomason: Growing Solutions to Feed the World
Agriculture is coming to a crossroads with demands outweighing…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
David Carter: The Power of Humility in the Age of Selfie
In the age of Selfie, large egos, pride and a concern about who…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Beth Lenherr & Macy Tanking: Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Female Mindset Redefined
It's a commonly known fact that women tend to apologize more…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Lori McMillan: Taxation Myths and Realities: What’s the Matter With Kansas?
Taxation is something that everyone has an opinion about, but…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Nick Givechi: CANVAS: The Formation of Identity
In a 5 - 7 minute Spoken Word Poem, I illustrate the abstract…
September 9, 2015/by TEDxTopeka Team
Michael Stewart: Fuel Tax, the Future, and Oh Yeah . . . Holograms!
The current highway system is largely funded by fuel tax, a tax…
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team
Sarah Smarsh: Why Most News Stories Aren’t True Stories
Sick of the news? Sick about the news? Maybe it’s not the content…
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team
Jarrod Guth: Improvisation and Opportunities: The Quick Thinking Performer
I will plan on talking about not being scared to take the next…
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team
SuEllen Fried: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone – A Journey to OZ
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team
Drew Blas: The Rebirth of Board Games and the New Social Revolution
Technology has powered a whole new paradigm of virtual "social"…
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team
Phillip “Brail” Watson: Giving Back
The idea of this presentation would be to illuminate the mystery…
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team
Brendan Wiley: Consider Saying Yes
That's not our policy. We have always done it this way. We…
October 11, 2014/by TEDxTopeka Team